Thursday, June 25, 2009

Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why?

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Book Read: Twilight - Stephen Meyer

After flipping through the pages of this book, an impression struck me. Teenage girls. Vampires living in bungalows, going to school, studying biology. Is this not what most teenage girls want to experience? A vampire classmate sitting beside you in class? Charming, sexy and ever-so-attractive?
In my opinion, this book is mainly intended for teenage girls to read. Not like any other teenage romance novels, this book has an element different from 'Gossip girl' or 'The princess diaries'. A touch of the supernatural! Vampires! Sexy creatures of the night. More alluring is it not? Additionally, there's that struggle of love between the two main characters of the book that acts a lot like a 'page-flipper'.
With crushes on hot and hunky guys catching up on girls in their teens, this book is definitely intended for them. Romance is definitely not lacking. Struggle for love, the mysterious vampires... the various fights between them... For the record, vampires are known to feed on blood and Bella (the girl whom Edward the vampire fancies) is human with a lot of fresh, red blood... I wonder how challenging it was for Edward to curb the urges and just take a bite...
Besides teenage girls, boys will read it too. Much battle scene is evident in the book and the action-packed novel can be enjoyed by teenage boys too. With Edward the vampire possessing supernatural powers like superhuman strength and speed, this book is somewhat similar to 'The X-men" or other superhero novels. The only thing is, it has a speck of romance that will attract that little more of your attention.
Thus, in conclusion, I personally feel that 'Twilight" is meant for teenagers of both genders though more to the females. Much of the content is what teenagers fantasize to be in. Vampires, love, supernatural powers... I am a guy and I have to admit I had a whale of a time digesting this book bit by bit and can't wait to purchase and devour the sequel.
So, girls out there if you are yet to be mesmerized by Edward, or desire for some 'vampiric romance', this book is definitely the book for you. Grab it now!


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