Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What is beauty?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beauty is a characteristic of a person animal, place, object or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction.

The experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

In my opinion, beauty can be classified into two categories - Outer and inner.
For outer beauty, it includes physical factors (physical attraction) like youthfulness, sexiness, complexion, causing others to be in admiration of you. Outer beauty is commonly associated with lust and greed, mainly because outer beauty invokes lust and attracts the opposite gender.

For inner beauty, it normally includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, congeniality, charm, integrity, congruity and elegance.

To measure outer beauty, usual ways of measurement includes hosting beauty pageant events and comparing the different levels of beauty on a stage. It is a much more challenging task to measure inner beauty though.

However, in conclusion, I personally feel that a person is only considered "beautiful" when he/she has of both inner and outer beauty but more of inner beauty.

For example, if a person has a very attractive appearance but has bad habits like consuming drugs, will he/she be considered beautiful that way?

Thus, I find that though outer beauty attracts the eye and attention of others, it is still vital to look out for the ones with real inner beauty and realize the beauty within them that is embedded under the flesh of their bodies.


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