Perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness.
I define a perfect world as a world free of hunger, slavery, prostitution, greed, lust, dishonesty, murder and all the other negativities of our current world.
So, heres the question, could there be a perfect world?
No. It is straight and direct. No.
How can there be a perfect world when everyday, people are jumping to their deaths, killed by ruthless, serial murderers, young girls at the end of their wits being prostitutes, slaves being whipped.... greed... lust...
Can we put it to a stop? Or, how can we put it to a stop?
We can't.
For a toddler, a perfect world may be very easily achievable considering the fact that their needs comprises of only food, water, air and sleep. This is perfect to him. I get my food, water and sleep, that's all I require! Life is perfect!
When he goes up to elementary school, things get different. Homework, exams, friends, grades, different impressions of him.... How can all these be absolutely flawless and perfect? They can't.
Obviously, more problems will arise in high school, college, the office and at home. The world is created to be perfect but because of man's greed, solely on greed, the table is turned around.
For example, a woman named Rebecca could be living in a mansion with swimming pools, impressively huge bedrooms, endless supply of the latest fashions - a life others deem as perfect. But just because of greed, solely greed, she sees a celebrity in Hollywood owning a castle on a remote island, she starts thinking that her life needs a lot more than what she has now. A mansion... I want a castle like Madonna! Greed is the word.
Things are made to be perfect, greed spoils it all.
This world can never be perfect because men are made and created to be greedy, and if thats the case, talk about perfection.
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