Wednesday, March 4, 2009

NTU professor discharged from hospital

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It is a great relief to hear that the professor who was stabbed by a student at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on Monday was discharged from hospital early Wednesday morning after a speedy recovery. With reference to this incident, I would wish to comment and raise my views about the rash and irrational student who attacked the professor. By committing such a serious offence, he reflects very poorly on himself, portraying himself as a person who is unable to manage stress and solve problems. Although it is stated that the student attacked the professor due to his terminated scholarship, this is definitely not a valid reason. I am sure that there will be a lot of assaults daily if such an offence were to be condoned when a reason like this was given. By stabbing the professor and committing suicide, the student is obviously not solving any problems but in fact, creating more problems. First of all, he is acting as a bad role model for other distressed students. Committing suicide is the easy way out, a path that bears no consequences experienced physically, leaving others to solve the problems one has created. The student had obviously not spared a thought for his grieving parents, not forgetting the fact that they had nurtured him and toiled hard to feed him. If I were the student, I would never do such a foolish and irrational act. Instead, I would work harder and strive to greater heights, treating the termination of the scholarship as a lesson learnt instead of a discouraging fact. Hurting others or oneself will never never the best solution.


Foo Tze Han

Hi Kang Le! Interesting blog! Why the change of skin? Now it is the same as Samson's! But nevermind, I also feel the same way regarding the student. He acted really impulsively and made a dumb decision. And, violence doesn't solve problems, in fact, it creates more. Au revoir and tres bon for your blog.


I also read the article and I think the student should think twice before he act so rashly. Stabbing his professor and committing suicide do not solve anything. It only results in serious consequences and the death of the professor.
I also think that he should not play too much of 'World of Warcraft'. I heard that it is very addictive. It is his own fault that his scholarship was terminated. He should do some self-reflection and not resort to such drastic means to solve the problem.
If he is under stress he should seek help from his parents of his teachers and not keep quiet.

chen jia hua martin

Dear Kang Le,

Let us all be reminded that there are many people out there who needs help. People who are at their wits end with no one to turn to. Sure, you may reason with your rational mind that the student who attacked the professor "reflected very badly on himself, portraying himself as a person who is unable to manage stress and solve problems.", but the truth is all of us are not born knowing how to manage stress and solve problems. What happened to the student is the most unfortunate thing not to mention the sadness and the pain that his parents are going through now. Do you really think that the student choose to end his life like that if he had not felt so hopeless and desperate. Sure it is easy for you to comment and question the path he chose to take but please do so with some compassion. If you ask me, we should all learn from this unfortunate incident and instead of focusing on ourselves all the time, we should sometimes show some concern to our friends around us. We should be sensitive and observant if some of our friends are indeed going through a rough patch...for truly if a person is ever that desperate, then how can he think, reason and make rational decision? He needs someone to help or maybe just a listening ear.



IMO, what I am shocked about is that such an incident could have even occured. After seeing various but eerie AND similar incidents worldwide, like the Virginia Tech massacre and even the recent Germany school shootings, it is shocking that schools have failed to increase security around their campuses. This also brings back memories of Adeline Ng Ai Choo, and it is most likely that the student was so stressed that he had committed such a terrible act which resulted in his own death, not to mention other's injury.

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