Monday, January 12, 2009

MP Seng Han Thong undergoes skin graft operation

Monday, January 12, 2009
I understand that MP Seng H.T. was attacked by a purportedly metally unsound man yesterday. About 14% of his body was burnt and the member of parliament was sent to the hospital to receive skin graft operations. Personally, i feel that attacker is outrageous and ridiculous. Burning someone alive is definitely not a valid solution to solve problems. By doing so, the attacker instills fear in the hearts of the residents and the other MPs, causing them to worry about their safety. However, not much can be done to completely prevent such events from happening. Unless the MPs or ministers stop appearing in public to present speeches or visit the members of the public, there is still that tiny risk in geeting into an event like this.
But, i also realise that this is the second time MP Seng H.T. has been attcked. (The first time was less serious though.) This rings a bell. If he had been doing his job and serve his residents properly, he most probably would not be in such trouble would he?


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